First time clients who haven’t had their home cleaned professionally within the last month will need to add the First Time (Initial) Clean option in the Extras section in order to give our crew members the time they need to achieve the high-quality results we’re known for. Once that’s complete, our Standard Clean is the perfect choice for weekly/biweekly/monthly services moving forward! Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the level of service.


Living Areas & Bedrooms

  • Vacuum/sweep/mop
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Dust all surfaces and items
  • Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, blinds, and vents
  • Dust baseboards & window sills
  • Make beds
  • Switch plates cleaned
  • Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected



  • Counters, sinks, showers, bathtubs, fixtures cleaned and disinfected
  • Toilets cleaned and disinfected
  • Floors cleaned and disinfected
  • Mirrors cleaned
  • Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, blinds, and vents
  • Dust baseboards & window sills
  • Exterior of cabinets and drawers cleaned
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Carpeting vacuumed
  • Empty trash, wipe down trash can
  • Switch plates cleaned
  • Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected



  • Sweep/mop
  • Thorough dusting
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Sinks, fixtures, counters cleaned and disinfected
  • Exterior of appliances cleaned
  • Exterior of cabinets and drawers cleaned
  • Microwave cleaned and disinfected, inside and out
  • Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, blinds, and vents
  • Exterior of range hood cleaned
  • Stove top, burners, drip pans, and knobs cleaned
  • Stainless steel polished
  • Empty trash, wipe down trash can
  • Switch plates wiped down
  • Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected

First-time clients who haven’t had their home cleaned professionally within the last month will need to add the First Time (Initial) Clean option in the Extras section in order to give our crew members the time they need to achieve the high-quality results we’re known for. Once that’s complete, our Standard Clean is the perfect choice for weekly/biweekly/monthly services moving forward!


Living Areas & Bedrooms

  • Vacuum/Sweep/Mop
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Dust all surfaces and items
  • Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • Dust blinds and vents
  • Make beds
  • Switch plates cleaned
  • Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected
  • Wipe down door frames and door facings
  • Wipe down window sills
  • Vacuum baseboards
  • Vacuum under furniture (please note our cleaners will not lift furniture that weighs more than twenty pounds)
  • Wipe down furniture



  • Counters, sinks, showers, bathtubs, fixtures cleaned and disinfected
  • Toilets cleaned and disinfected
  • Floors cleaned and disinfected
  • Mirrors cleaned
  • Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • Dust blinds and vents
  • Exterior of cabinets and drawers cleaned
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Carpeting vacuumed
  • Empty trash, wipe down trash can
  • Switch plates cleaned
  • Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected
  • Wipe down door frames and door facings
  • Wipe down window sills
  • Wipe down baseboards



  • Sweep/Mop
  • Thorough Dusting
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • Dust blinds and vents
  • Sinks, fixtures, counters cleaned and disinfected
  • Exterior of appliances cleaned
  • Exterior of cabinets and drawers cleaned
  • Microwave cleaned and disinfected, inside and out
  • Exterior of range hood cleaned
  • Stove top, burners, drip pans, and knobs cleaned
  • Stainless steel polished
  • Empty trash, wipe down trash can
  • Switch plates wiped down
  • Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected
  • Wipe down door frames and door facings
  • Wipe down window sills
  • Wipe down baseboards
  • Vacuum under furniture (please note our cleaners will not lift furniture that weighs more than twenty pounds)
  • Wipe down furniture

Our Move In/Move Out option delivers a thorough cleaning to prepare the home for you or the new family moving in! Please ensure that the home is empty prior to our service and that there are no other people (movers, tradespeople etc) working in the space. And we will need electricity and water!

Please note, if the home is particularly dirty, we may need to add the First Time Clean service to your cleaning in order to give our cleaners time to complete their work.


Living Areas & Bedrooms

Remove cobwebs
Dust all surfaces
Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures
Switch plates cleaned
Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected



Counter tops, sinks, showers, bathtubs, fixtures cleaned and disinfected
Toilets cleaned and disinfected
Floors cleaned and disinfected
Mirrors cleaned
Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures
Cabinets and drawers cleaned inside and out
Remove cobwebs
Switch plates cleaned
Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected



Thorough dusting
Remove cobwebs
Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures
Sinks, fixtures, counters cleaned and disinfected
Appliances cleaned inside and out
Cabinets and drawers cleaned inside and out
Exterior of range hood cleaned
Stove top, burners, drip pans, and knobs cleaned
Stainless steel polished
Switch plates wiped down
Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected


All Rooms

Wipe down window sills
Vents dusted and wiped down
Blinds dusted & wiped down (note: we do not wipe down thin metal or plastic blinds due to danger of bending/breaking)
Wipe down baseboards, door facings, door frames, spot-clean walls (some marks/stains may need to be painted over)


All of our team members are interviewed by the owners and pass a criminal record check. We believe our team is our greatest asset, and therefore have very high standards. Only about 10% of those that apply end up working as a Clean Up Cleaning Service certified cleaner.

The majority of our bookings are made online, so we take security very, very seriously. Our booking page is protected by extended validation SSL. Our booking form has it’s own layer of 256 bit security. Credit card transactions are processed by Stripe, which has its own 256 security protocol. Additionally, our system does not store your credit card number, only a token that allows us to charge the card when the service is complete.

Yes, they do. We run a detailed nationwide background check on all applicants as the last step in our pre-screening process.

If something goes wrong we’re here to make it right. Please let us know right away and we’ll be there to take care of it. That’s our promise to you!


We offer our 100% satisfaction guarantee. If we have missed anything we should have cleaned, give us a call within 24 hours of the clean and we will make it right. Our fix-it visit must be done within three business days of the initial service.

A hold will be placed on your credit card the day before the cleaning to ensure payment is set up properly. The actual payment will not be charged until after the cleaning is finished.

Of course! Tipping is not expected but our cleaners greatly appreciate it. You can either pay the cleaners a cash tip directly, add a tip in our customer portal or call us at 630-635-8482 and we can do it for you. 100% of tips go to your cleaner(s).

Our cleaners do their absolute best to provide exceptional service, but there are certain things that we cannot offer/guarantee. Liability, safety, and the highest quality are considered at all times. If you are unsure about your cleaning or an item below, please call us to discuss!


That said, the following are services that we do not provide:


  • We cannot perform services while other services are being performed in or around the home (plumbing, painting, construction, etc.)


  • No lifting or moving of heavy items (refrigerator, stove, tables, etc.)


  • No moving vases, hung pictures, or other delicate items.


  • We are happy to load your dishwasher, but cannot replace dishes in cupboards once complete. We don’t want to break anything.


  • Cleaning any item or area that cannot be safely reached using telescopic cleaning tools and a step stool.


  • Removing excessive pet hair from upholstery.


  • Cleaning exterior windows.


  • Cleaning Mini Blinds. Our cleaners are happy to dust horizontal metal or plastic mini blinds, but we have found that they are easily bent or damaged if anything beyond dusting is attempted.


  • Removing strong odours (mould, animal waste, smoke, etc.) Again, we will do our best.


  • Cleaning inside dishwashers and washing machines.


  • Cleaning light bulbs.


  • Cleaning rodent/insect infested homes.


  • Removing excess paint from surfaces.


  • Post-construction cleaning. We can provide that service, but it does not fall within the parameters of our online booking system and would require an in-person visit to make a quote.


  • Deep carpet/floor cleaning (steam cleaning, polishing, waxing, etc.)


  • Heavy marks/stains on walls, baseboards, other painted surfaces. We don’t want to potentially damage your paint!

No worries! You can either email us at [email protected] or call/text us at 630-635-8482 and we will take care of everything. Please give us 24 hours’ notice, otherwise, there is a $79 cancellation fee.

We only charge fees if we have to and it’s done to protect our cleaners. We reserve a time especially for you so please make any schedule changes at least 24 hours ahead of time to avoid incurring a $79 late cancellation fee.

It’s not required but it always helps make for a better cleaning service if the floors and counters are free of clutter. If you could pick up clothing, toys, and other household items prior to the clean that would be great.

We love pets but sometimes it can be hard to clean around them. If it’s possible it to keep them outside or in a separate room it would be helpful. 

If we are unable to enter your home for any reason, we will wait for 30 minutes. After that, your appointment will be cancelled and a $79 lockout fee will be assessed.

For sure! We always make every effort to have the same cleaners clean your home. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances (like illness, vacations or days off) so we can’t guarantee it.

Because we clean many homes throughout the day it’s impossible for us to know exactly how long each home cleaning will take. That’s why we give a window of time instead of a specific appointment time. However, if you ever have specific scheduling needs for your house cleaning needs just reach out to us and we will do our best to make it work!

Our customer service team is available to serve you 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday. You can book your services 24 hours a day on our booking page here.

For one, two and three bedroom homes, we send a single cleaner. For four bedrooms or more, we’ll send a team of two. In a hurry? Let us know and we’ll see what we can do!

Nope! You can be at home to let our cleaners in, hide a key, or give us a lockbox code to keep on file.

The home must be completely empty for us to do a proper move in/ move out clean. We also need electricity and water to clean, so please ensure the utilities are still on. Any personal items that are left behind will not be thrown away (unless previously discussed when booking).


We want scheduling your home cleaning to be as easy as possible. So click “book now” in the header or click here or give us a call us at (630) 635-8482

We price based on the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in the home along with the size of the home. Select the numbers and the price is shown instantly on the website.

We provide services for all of DuPage County and those towns close by. Please call us if there is a question of whether we service your area.

You bet! You’ll find the extra services we offer on our booking page here. If there are any special instructions, please let us know in the area provided.

Yes, we provide all cleaning supplies, products and equipment, unless there is a specific request for a certain service.